Arts and Crafts

In the time since my last blog post I have been highly succesful in curbing any sense of enthusiasm towards this site, during a period in which writing articles seemed too much of a strain on my preparation for university exams. Nonetheless, through alternative creative outlets I actually broadened my horizons, and have really started to feel that a future in the arts is attainable for me. In this recap post I want to delve into the process behind the creation of my short-film, discuss my new Redbubble page, and tell all about my day working on set with US rapper Danny Brown.


As a part of my course this past year I decided to make a short-film, and shortly after began experiencing the trials and tribulations of any first-timer who thought he could do every job in the credits. Based on the beliefs of the Orphic mystery cults, my film was to be set almost entirely in the underworld, and would have periods of digital animation accompanying the live action scenes (which I enlisted the help of my girlfriend in filming). With my actress in tow we set off to Richmond Park on a snowy morning, and I directed her to lie down in the slush on the very first take. Needless to say, I rushed into the whole process head first, and accepted blunder after blunder on my direct unwavering route to the end product. I worked tirelessly to cover up all of my errors, learning to splice footage, set up subtitles for my ancient-greek narration and input artwork through after effects. In the end I received a mark of 80 for my project, and am over the moon; the film is by no means perfect – and no means ‘good’ – but did the job. Check it out here.


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Another creative direction that I chose to explore in my sejourn from ‘Joecrastination’ was the exciting prospect of Redbubble. Obviously seeking a place to exhibit artwork instead of a source of profit (the website is the clothing equivalent of Spotify, alas people do not buy as many t-shirts as they hit play on songs), I posted a few images of doodle artwork and digitally edited photos and began to let the sight of my artwork on pieces of merchandise go to my head. I would certainly recommend as an ego trip, but also as a fun way of seeing how your design can be engineered into an item of clothing. My store can be accessed here. The colourful ‘Ignorance’ range arose from a discussion I had with the founder of ‘Creative Conscience‘ Chrissy Levett, whilst volunteering at the D&Ad awards discussed in my last post. I asked her how best to explore my creativity in the face of employers, and she responded by asking me to think of a problem, think of a medium, and create a solution. Ignorance has its back to the vibrant, rising sun – a classic post-it note motivational message converted into t-shirt form.


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Danny Brown

Finally, the last element of my recent movements can be discussed. Danny Brown, US rapper and Gorillaz/Run the Jewels collaborator, has dropped the new ‘lost’ music video that I was able to play a part in producing. The nightmarish and paranoid claustrophobia of the video was all conceived by the welcoming and brilliant Matilda Finn, who filmed the whole video inside her flat – so as to be dually a good host and a good director. I got to design the layout of the money room, for which I will provide screenshots, helped art department leader Ellie with the DIY aspects necessary to creating ‘movie magic’, and got to be measured for the rig that Danny wore for the stabilised portrait shots. Danny himself seemed quite fragile and made full use of Matilda’s bedroom /green room. This whole opportunity came about through my precious little time as an intern with FRIEND production company; a truly friendly and innovative group with an amazing roster of creators like Hiro Murai and Man vs Machine on their books. I’d like to thank Alec and Luke again for having me, and for providing such a career-inspiring opportunity.

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